In this chapter, we describe the post pandemic era and the AI rush that has ensued. We describe the launch of generative artificial intelligence (AI) models such as ChatGPT and explain the historically significant moment it represents in technological evolution. Next, we explain that despite the huge advancements in AI, “machines” can’t do everything. We introduce Moravec’s Paradox to illustrate the symbiotic, mutually dependent relationship between man and machine. We introduce Kasparov’s Law, which tells us that superior performance does not necessarily require human genius nor superior machines; rather, it can be achieved using ordinary people and machines interacting through better processes. In contrast to the promise of combining the best of man and machine, we look at the peril of creating superintelligent machines. We discuss the control problem as well as various social ills due to the alignment problem and exploitation by the proprietors of technology to underscore the gravity of what’s at stake in managing AI. We conclude by introducing the form of enterprise that leverages the collaboration between man and machine to achieve “superintelligence”—the Humachine.