This chapter discusses the relationship between a sustainable economy and improvements in technology. It also discusses the economic advantage that regions can gain by encouraging migration to the region through infrastructure projects. Population growth and its relationship to improved standards of living, economic growth and technological improvements is discussed. This chapter also discusses the negative birth rate that occurs in countries that have a high standard of living and how this can have a negative impact on economic growth. Strategies to address this trend are discussed. Where population growth is a concern, increasing standards of living for women will cause negative birth rates and population growth must be achieved through other methods such as migration and attracting people to a region.

Where economic sustainability is achieved through improving standards of living in line with population growth, the social benefits such as energy security, improved health services and employment and business opportunities are also achieved. Thus, economic and social sustainability are intrinsically linked through providing increased standards of living for populations.

This chapter analyses the sixth, seventh and eight principles of the Sustainable Development Proposition.