The ten activities in this chapter all aim to support the individual learner to maintain and develop good wellbeing not only as a means to improve their learning but also as part of co-learning in itself. We look at how the individual learner manages anxiety, learns emotional regulation skills and can contribute to creating a safe, encouraging psychological environment to learn in. Taken together, the activities in this chapter will support the individual learner to be confident to learn, to take the risk of trying and, through this, to build their self-efficacy which in turn will support further self-development and learning. The skills we aim to develop in this chapter will be beneficial to and supportive of co-learning because when a group of learners are all developing their learning and wellbeing together, the psychological environment in which co-learning happens is mutually beneficial and self-sustaining. The activities interrelate to each other, can be tried in any order, as appropriate to the individual or group. The activities also relate to other activities in later chapters; where there is a particularly complimentary activity in another chapter, a reference is given at the end of the activity, as “works well with: Activity x/y/z.” The “Going further” sections offer ideas to broaden out the individual activity to promote and support your extended learning.