The ten activities presented in this chapter have as a central focus of the NHS (National Health Service) 5 steps to mental wellbeing:

Connect with other people

Be physically active

Learn new skills

Give to others

Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

As you look through this chapter, keep in mind that you don't need to do everything at once. The activities offer some ideas for how you can bring more of the “5 steps” important wellbeing-boosters into your own life and also consider how these ideas also support and improve effective learning. Often wellbeing-boosting activities such as the ones in this chapter go hand-in-hand with learning or are learning activities in themselves; some areas of wellbeing, for example getting good sleep and rest, are supportive of learning. This chapter is a resource to dip into to build your understanding of what is fundamental to maintaining and improving your wellbeing you can choose which activities to try in order to put the building blocks of your wellbeing in place. Good foundations are known to be vital to stable and safe buildings; the same goes for our own wellbeing. Get the foundations of your wellbeing right through the following activities and ideas and you will be well-set up to feel good, and to learn effectively, into your future.