When thoughts turn to how you can best support a child's future learning, you may begin to question whether this is more influenced by the genetics they were born with, or the influence you are providing through their environment or the experiences you offer them. You may be considering schemes of accelerated learning or enrichment activities designed to promote a child's understanding of letters or numbers. But how do you know if these are the best methods, if young minds are ready or whether there is something better you could be doing? In this chapter we will look at ways you can encourage children to learn, mindful of what these early experiences are doing and what they should be about. We will look at the very real importance of learning during this first year of life as you give complex processes the time they need to develop. Offering children the foundations of a learning journey will impact not just their readiness for school but all learning for the rest of their lives. Having read this chapter, you will:

Know the difference between learning and educating a child, reflecting on this as we harness engagement and refocus our attention in the early years

Understand the foundations of learning and the importance of nurturing these early stages through the experiences we offer

Be supported in celebrating and validating early learning from day one, recognising the experiences children need.