To maximise the knowledge and understanding that a child is developing, they need opportunities to do things for themselves. This is such a strong instinct that as soon as all their basic needs are met, children are driven to pursue it. However, if something regularly gets in the way of this enthusiasm or they are met with obstructions, they will simply learn not to bother. For a child to persist with any new skill for the length of time they need to learn and master it, they need to be motivated to do so, as well as have the independence that allows them to try. These are deeply rewarding desires and a young child will soon become frustrated if they are prevented from them too often. In this chapter you will learn why it is important for babies to do things for themselves. You will understand how you can develop their ability and desire to do so, and gain the support you need to reflect on your practice and the experiences you offer. Having read this chapter, you will:

Know why it is important for babies to do things for themselves

Understand how to develop a baby's ability and desire to do things for themselves

Be supported in offering practice, environments and experiences where babies can do things for themselves.