Children are absorbing and contemplating their environment from the moment they enter into it. They are taking in nuggets of information through all their senses and simultaneously combining and processing them as they make sense of the world around them. By applying logic and repeated practice to these experiences, children are underpinning their thoughts with evidence to reinforce or challenge their understanding, all the while establishing their foundations for more complex ideas. Having experienced the rewards of approaching new challenges in a range of ways, children are more open minded towards learning opportunities. These begin with schematic behaviours that utilise wider ways of thinking and broader approaches before the finer detail of future learning can be fully understood. In this chapter you will learn why it is important to recognise and nurture a baby's thinking processes. You will understand how you can develop their ability and desire to think in different ways, and gain the support you need to reflect on your practice and the experiences you offer. Having read this chapter, you will:

Know why it is important for babies to think

Understand how to develop a baby's ability and desire to think

Be supported in offering practice, environments and experiences where babies can think.