Throughout a child's early years, they are going through a tremendous period of growth and development. While the effects of their physical growth may be more outwardly obvious than their cognitive development in this first year, don’t be fooled! The brain of a baby is developing at a tremendous rate as they learn from every experience around them. When you connect with a baby, receptors in their brain are lighting up. Every time you look into their eyes and engage with them; when you share an experience, playing together or showing them something of interest, not only are you developing the attachments that will inform every future relationship, but you are also teaching them so much about this strange and fascinating world – and their place within it. Having read this chapter, you will:

Know how children's abilities to connect are growing and developing in these first months

Understand the impact adults have on this process through every interaction

Be supported to reflect on how you engage and play with a baby, developing the opportunities they need for deep-rooted physical and cognitive development.