Armed with everything you have learnt, all the guidance and support you have received, possibly years of experience and the odd, often bewildering internet search, it can sometimes feel like well-intentioned advice is coming at you from every angle. Should you give children choices and adapt to their needs or look to establish the stability of a routine? Is it important to play music for children or offer a quiet space so they can create their own? How much of a “sensory rich” environment should you strive for? And can you have too much of a good thing? The answer to all these questions and more resides in understanding the processes of growth and development that are occurring during this first year. And nowhere is this more pronounced than deep within a baby's brain. Having read this chapter, you will:

Know how the brain is connecting in the early years and the importance of every experience to a growing and developing baby

Understand basic brain development and how this is impacted through every choice you make

Be supported to implement the key practices that make all the difference.