This chapter investigates a specific instance of genre blending, i.e. the literary biography by presenting its core formative characteristics. This chapter explores the existing scholarship on literary biography, the main conclusions and areas of investigation. It further gives a critical review of all existing scholarship on life-writing genre blending, in particular, on the newly formed genre of biofiction. In this way, the theory of biopreservation is derived and the subsequent analytical account of the biofictions is subject to this study. The next part of this chapter is aimed at presenting the concept of biopreservation as integral to the process of genre hybridization and the formation of the new genre of biofiction. The study argues that biopreservation is an essential aspect of the biofictions’ textuality. Furthermore, it shows how the genre play establishes the fictional narratives of famous persons in history. Accordingly, by establishing the life-writing genre-blending theory, this chapter proves that life-writing genre play is a broad eclectic field that is both taking momentum and dynamic, thus sparkling a ceaseless interest in its inherent rules and regulations.