A child who is identified as the cause of the family problems, blamed for tension or whose behaviour is used to justify violence and control. Children can be abused and/or weaponised by the perpetrator as part of the abuse continuum towards the victim/survivor parent. Perpetrators often blame their victim for provoking them into violent/abusive behaviours, absolving themselves of any responsibility and suggesting the victim/survivor created and deserved the abuse. Victims/survivors may be plagued by worry about the perpetrator's responses relating to current and future situations, resulting in them experiencing crippling anxiety. The cumulative tactics perpetrated by an abuser often result in the victim/survivor experiencing incapacitating depression. Feelings of guilt in victims/survivors can come from multiple sources. A child may act in a caretaking role to the victim/survivor parent/siblings. This may include helping in the household, acting to keep the victim/survivor parent and siblings safe during attacks and comforting them afterwards.