The monitor path is crucial to any audio observation and must remain constant throughout the mastering process. Three key aspects of the monitor path are the focus of this chapter: correct listening level, the monitor controller, and domain transfer to its playback monitoring environment. Each requires careful consideration to facilitate effective analysis and evaluation of any source. Utilising a calibrated stepped monitoring system, knowledge of metering scaling and observation of dBr for loudness will enable a fixed listening level at the ideal average SPL around 83dB. Adherence to equal loudness will achieve a true comparative between any two sources of audio or a processed and unprocessed signal. The controls needed to matrix the audio to observe more than just stereo are explained in detail, and the implications of monitoring left, right, mono and difference are interrogated. How to action this control in the virtual monitor controller in a DAW and use of an analogue monitor system are discussed. Finally, the chapter explains how achieving an accurate monitor path optimises the potential outcome in analysis and application of tools – a better sonic outcome overall.