The study of the emotional sphere of children is the subject of numerous studies. The relevance of understanding the process of emergence, genesis and influence of emotions in the life of a child is due to their integrative approaches and close interweaving with various functions of the psyche.

Summarizing various studies, we may note that emotions, as integral components of mental activity, change the process of human life. The influence of emotions on the course of many mental processes intensifies the need to understand the mechanisms of their emergence, development and their possible correction in the educational process.

Available data regarding the development of emotional characteristics in children of different ages and genders demonstrate insufficient study of this problem. At the same time, some researches acknowledge numerous complications in the development of the emotional sphere of children.

On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies performed, this work shows that such features as multidirectional anxiety, family aggressiveness and emotional lability are informative indicators in the dynamics of the emotional sphere of children, depending on their age and gender. The methodological system for studying the emotional sphere of children at the level of assessing emotional maturity has been further developed. The characterization of the genesis of the emotional sphere of children has been clarified according to the data on the intensity of anxiety manifestation in children, adolescents, boys and girls aged 8, 11, 14 and 17; self-regulation and empathy in boys and girls aged 16; aggression − in children, adolescents, boys and girls aged 9, 11 and 16; depression − in adolescents of 12 and 13 years old; emotional lability in adolescents, boys and girls aged 11, 13 and 17.

We hope that the presented results of the research will be useful both for specialists studying the problem of the development of emotions and for practical psychologists working in the system of education.