Middle managers are frequently called upon to draft documents, including letters, memoranda, position papers, background reports, and briefing documents for senior people in their organizations. The issue at hand deals with corporate policy, corporate actions in regard to that policy, and with the public perceptions of both. The strategy memo should be directed to the President of Dixie Industries, Inc. and should describe in detail how the people plan to handle the case and why. Dixie Industries, Inc. is a mid-size, non-union textile company located in the American south. According to Mr. Darryl Robbins of the DI Human Resources Department, Dixie Industries employs approximately 1,798 employees in various jobs. Mr. Robbins also says that about 720 of them are women. The fact of the matter, Mr. Harkins, remains that Dixie Industries has not promoted a woman to a management position in over two years.