How does a parent know their Smart Kid is normal, weird, or both? This chapter includes 10 tips for parents of Smart Kids related to behaviors in their homes. Learn from the wisdom of school leaders and teachers who have had thousands of experiences with Smart Kids in schools.

Learn what to do when a Smart Kid thinks they are smarter than everyone, including their parent. Is it normal for middle school kids to have no focus? How are the Smart Kid perfectionist and procrastinator related? What about those chronic overthinkers who remember everything and are extra sensitive? What happens if the Smart Kid stops trying when they are the best in class? How can parents motivate a Smart Kid who is bored in school? How does a parent encourage their Smart Kid to take the high road and not cheat? Parents are on the front line in helping a burned-out Smart Kid. What to do when their Smart Kid is depressed, experiences stress, and thinks they are not good at anything. Each tip is essential in navigating the Smart Kid teen years and emphasizes that parents are not alone on this complex journey in raising their Smart Kid.