This chapter shares ten case studies of children who have DME/2e where the challenges most of them wanted to work on first related to sensory processing differences and/or unhelpful thought patterns that impacted their ability to appropriately self-regulate. The sensory processing differences and thought patterns had been identified as part of the occupational therapy assessment. Unhelpful/negative thought patterns such as these are often related to high learning potential. Prior to occupational therapy Sally's parents had been working closely with her school to try and help her recognise the triggers for her behaviour and use de-escalation strategies, but they reported it had mixed success. The strategies they were already using included distraction, listening to audio books, completing a creative task, deep breathing, counting and going outside for some fresh air. Sally also eagerly participated in role play in which she first had to use her inflexible or solid thinking patterns followed by using her flexible or play dough thinking patterns.