The chapter begins by bringing together a conceptualisation of the technosphere as a multi-layered self-perpetuating form. It comprises two increasingly dominant textual upper strata in continuous interplay with one another, beneath which sits an obscured atextual layer. While relied upon, this layer is increasingly devalued and underacknowledged.

In seeking ways to disrupt the technosphere, textuality is not rejected. Instead, a different set of lineages of the text is centred upon: ones which embrace playfulness, fluidity and porosity. An argument is made for these textual modes of disrupting being both more possible and more effective owing to their emanating from within. Discussion ranges from a very literal understanding of text to a much broader conception. Dada and Documenta Fifteen are examined as case studies.

The chapter concludes by proposing a thinking and practising through the arttext (as opposed to artwork) as a way by which would-be critical art practices might disrupt the technosphere.