This chapter discusses the distribution of delinquents in Radby, and examines related factual information. The decrease in the second quinquennium of the number of boy offenders is marked, but it should be remembered that the first period includes three years of war, and the two post-war years, a period notable for social maladjustment. The incidence of delinquency was plotted on a street map of Radby, and the distribution of offenders revealed five well-defined areas of different sizes. Within these areas lived a large majority of the offenders. With regard to adult delinquency, a map showing the distribution of 83 adult offenders was provided by the County Constabulary, and this distribution was found to coincide with that of the juvenile offenders. The same position was found to obtain with regard to 68 cases proven before the Matrimonial Court. The five areas together accounted for approximately seventy per cent of the total number of juvenile delinquents during the decade.