The land is the foundation of people’s survival and the fundamental element of a country. The land system is of primary significance to the reform of rural governance in the construction of modern China. The state integrates the scattered hundreds of millions of peasants into the national system through the integration of land resources but, to a certain extent, eliminates the individual autonomy of peasants. Grain is a strategic resource for national governance. Therefore, through unified purchasing and marketing and the interconnected system, the country controls the most critical and scarce agricultural resources, such as grain, and promotes the integration of rural society. After the Land Reform, the country quickly launched a movement to organise peasants to carry out socialist transformation and collectivisation of agriculture. The collective owns not only the means of production, such as land, but labour also belongs to the joint and is uniformly allocated by the collective. In collective labour, some workers are lazy, which affects labour quality. In order to mobilise peasants’ enthusiasm, the state allows and widely implements the production responsibility system to implement family management further.