This chapter explains multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), and examines commonalities across intervention service delivery models that comprise MTSS. It compares MTSS and intervention service delivery models, and summarizes key components of social-emotional Response to Intervention (RTI). Intervention service delivery models that are housed within the MTSS framework share four common components. These four critical elements that link interventions service delivery models together and help build an effective MTSS framework include: varying levels of preventative evidence-based supports and instructional practices; universal screening; progress monitoring; and data-based decision-making. Although RTI and school-wide positive behavior support are two of the most common intervention service delivery models, social-emotional RTI is growing in its use. This three-tiered intervention service delivery model focuses on promoting social-emotional wellness and preventing social-emotional concerns in youth. To promote social-emotional wellness and prevent further development social-emotional concerns, Leon’s school is implementing social-emotional RTI with embedded trauma-informed practices.