Chapter 8 highlights the importance of fostering meaningful relationships in qualitative inquiry. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of research with life and the significance of connecting with fellow researchers, communities and oneself. Various topics are discussed, including Indigenous and decolonial research, establishing rapport, designing culturally responsive studies, adapting to different research methods and addressing power imbalances. The concept of bearing witness to others’ suffering and trauma is explored, alongside the value of building coalitions and partnerships for transformative research centered on social justice, economic justice, environmental justice and human rights. The narratives presented by Patricia Lethole, Mphaṱheleni Makaulule, and Norma Romm; Elizabeth Visedo; and Eleanor Chapman and “Sumaiya” exemplify the themes of respect, adaptability and amplifying voices in relationship-building. The chapter emphasizes the transformative power of meaningful relationships, calling for self-awareness, humility and collaborative approaches in qualitative inquiry.