This chapter discusses how online harassment has become one of the biggest threats to journalists’ ability to do their jobs well and safely. It references research that shows how the scale of harassment against journalists has increased, with women, journalists of colour and those from the LGBTQI+ community being the most targeted. It explores the impact of these attacks and shows how such online behaviour is threatening the mental health of many journalists, some of whom are self-censoring, while others are leaving the industry. It explores the particularly insidious nature of this harm, including looking at how it intersects with physical violence and how it has long been under-reported for multiple reasons that impact on journalists’ emotional wellbeing. It touches on some of the work being done to shore up the mental wellbeing of those impacted and the barriers that can prevent those in the industry from gaining a firm understanding of the extent of this emotional toll. The chapter includes case studies of journalists, managers and those who have led the fight to counter, understand and mitigate online violence.