In today’s world, it becomes crucial for learners to master the skill of learning how to learn. Unlike the traditional learning method, where learners were often given a set path to follow, the focus now is on self-directed learning. This approach puts the learners responsible for deciding what they want to learn and how they want to learn it. Self-directed learning empowers learners to take control of their education and pursue their interests uniquely, whether through reading books, online lectures, workshops, or even real-life experiences. The underlying philosophy of self-directed learning is that learners learn best when they are motivated, invested in their learning, and have the freedom to learn. This chapter explores how teachers can help learners become self-directed learners. It discusses the benefits of promoting self-directed learning and the challenges teachers may face when trying to encourage this approach. Finally, the chapter offers strategies for promoting self-directed learning and equips teachers with the tools to help learners take charge of their education.