With the advancement of human society, we are entering a world where multidisciplinary learning is becoming a must for planning development opportunities and proposing solutions to emerging problems. Realising this shift, education systems across the globe are focusing on promoting multidisciplinary learning in educational institutions. Multidisciplinary learning mainly emerges from discussion and reflection on the content and knowledge of different disciplines. From this perspective, the skill of content curation becomes a must for every teacher. Teachers can suggest valuable content by curating it, moulding it, and directing the learners towards multidisciplinary learning. This chapter is designed to help teachers understand the significance of content and how it can be used to promote interdisciplinary learning. This chapter helps teachers delve into the process and practices of content curation and discuss how they can curate content and use it to enhance the learning experience for their learners. The chapter also discusses the tools and strategies to use curated content to promote multidisciplinary learning and help learners become more well-rounded individuals.