Chapter 2 in this volume historically contextualised successive takeovers. This chapter establishes how the military reflects upon them, the lessons learnt and the way forward. It is narrated from the military’s own perspective. Using direct quotes from senior military personnel the first step is to understand considerations that prompted previous coups. We see that within the military self-perception, previous bids for political power are now understood as attempts to safeguard the ‘developmental’ needs of the people of Pakistan. Military frustrations with their civilian counterparts also come to the fore in the process. The second part of the chapter deals with how military operationalises its presence in the development sector to consolidate its hegemony. We see (a) how the military defines and understands its developmental role; (b) what considerations compel the military to play an active role in the development sector; and (c) how it simultaneously protects its own self-interests and ingratiates itself to the people of Pakistan.