Bion the polymath and erstwhile Oxford student went a step further than Freud and Klein in yet another way. Freud briefly alluded to the ideas of Immanuel Kant but never explicated his ideas, or, for that matter, those of Plato or Hegel, with regard to their proper provenance for psychoanalysis. The problem is that this format emerges from infinity and is experienced as chaos. In the meantime resistances to his ideas have begun to develop around what is commonly thought to be his religious, spiritual, and mystical leanings. The deeper significance of Bion’s “experiment perilous” with the deity is, as mentioned earlier, in the spirit of Prometheus: to allow man to be introduced to—be incarnated by—his “godhood”, the composite archetypal term that embraces O and which act designates man’s becoming O, which means transforming indifferent, impersonal O into personal O in the transcendent position.