Transformations operate on the Absolute Truth about Ultimate Reality and the latter’s infinite sets and infinite container to transduce them via a-function from their indifferent, impersonal, and infinite status to personal, subjective meaning, initially in the form of binary oppositions in what Klein terms the “paranoid-schizoid position”, where they are encoded as unconscious phantasies consisting of internal objects as “symbolic equations” in the form of opposites, such as good versus bad, inside versus outside, and so on, and then sent along to the depressive position as symbols for whole objects for more objectification. Bion frequently speaks about the putative dangers of curiosity. Bion frequently alludes to Oedipus’ arrogance in seeking the truth. Bion writes frequently about curiosity and its interdiction by the deity. A female analysand was expressing her feelings about my forthcoming departure for my summer vacation.