In the Statement on Palestine, issued on 9th November, 1938, His Majesty’s Government announced their intention to invite representatives of the Arabs of Palestine, of certain neighbouring countries, and of the Jewish Agency to confer with them in London regarding future policy. His Majesty’s Government are free to formulate their own policy, and after careful consideration they have decided to adhere to the proposals which were finally submitted to, and discussed with, the Arab and Jewish delegations. His Majesty’s Government are charged as the Mandatory authority “to secure the development of self-governing institutions” in Palestine. Apart from this specific obligation, they would regard it as contrary to the whole spirit of the Mandate system that the population of Palestine should remain forever under Mandatory tutelage. Under Article 6 of the Mandate, the Administration of Palestine, “while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced,” is required to “facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions”.