This chapter presents a letter of Sir Clement Hill, Chief of Protectorate Dept to Mr. L. J. Greenberg. In this letter, Clement Hill states that Mr. Chamberlain communicated to the Marquess of Lansdowne the letter which Greenberg addressed to him on the 13th ultimo containing the form of an agreement which Dr. Herzl proposes should be entered into between His Majesty’s Government and the Jewish Colonial Trust Ltd. for the establishment of a Jewish settlement in East Africa. His Lordship has also had under his consideration the remarks made by Greenberg on the occasion of his interview in this office with Sir E. Barrington and Mr. Hurst. If a site can be found which the Trust and His Majesty’s Commissioner consider suitable and which commends itself to His Majesty’s Government, Lord Lansdowne will be prepared to entertain favourably proposals for the establishment of a Jewish colony or settlement on conditions which will enable the members to observe their National customs.