This chapter concerns bamboo when split and pieced, as shown by the following situations: building a fence; bamboo shade for a siesta; bamboo screen for veranda; bamboo frame for constructing a plinth base; enclosure for raising ducks; fumigation using a decoction of leaves; keeping a pig still to cut its throat; bamboo torch used during sacrifices; bamboo strip spills; burning a ring around the neck to torture a prisoner; maker of ex-votos; musician setting the rhythm for a dance with two bamboo sticks; professional percussionist playing the beat; advertising wares in the street; bamboo clips for grilling pork; prawns on a skewer; putting little freshwater crabs on pins; splitting bamboo to make a fine tooth comb; bamboo accessory for picking fruit; picking starfruit; bamboo frame paper lampshade; bamboo tool for peeling cucurbits.