This chapter deals with bamboo used straight after felling, with no further treatment, as shown by the following situations: people cutting bamboo shoots; digging up bamboo rhizomes with a spade; cutting bamboo with a large knife; surveyor measuring with a bamboo pole; old men leaning on their bamboo sticks; generation gap; people transporting bamboo foliage; using a bamboo pole for Lunar New Year celebrations; displaying a head on a bamboo pole after a beheading; dismantling a bamboo raft; transporting bundles of large bamboo; shouldering bamboo trunks; punting a bamboo raft; bamboo swings; watchtower; rain gutter; bamboo split in half for use as a gutter; bamboo stilts; standing on a bamboo ladder making a new roof; bamboo ladder seller; woman crossing a bamboo bridge; woman doing her washing from a bamboo pontoon; bamboo weaponry; bending a length of bamboo; bamboo hook for lifting shrimping nets.