This chapter argues that energy market liberalisation ushered a new generation of energy retailers on both sides of the Atlantic, which were quick to attract customers and respond to their needs. In a relatively short time, these smaller, entrepreneurially-driven businesses have built recognisable brands. OVO energy started as a “challenger brand” in 2012, only to become, in less than a decade, one of United Kingdom’s biggest energy retailers. Stephen Fitzpatrick, the company’s founder and CEO, considers brand as “part of company DNA”. Spark Energy has used advanced customer profiling, coupled with sales-force motivational campaigns to win market share. CEO Kevin McMinn believes that smaller retailers in a liberalised market have to be especially proactive with their marketing communications, ideally they should be in regular direct contact with customers. In his view, one of the problems in building an energy retail brand are customer acquisition costs, while Fitzpatrick emphasises wholesale price volatility.