Private practice couple therapists can learn to better serve neurodiverse populations by simply making a few positive changes to their existing habits. Apart from working well with neurodiverse couples, they can also promote neuroinclusivity on a broader scale through writing, speaking, utilizing ethical marketing practices, conducting research, and maintaining a welcoming online presence. How each professional displays consistent integrity in these efforts matter to prospective clients, as it informs their first impressions. Because the public’s first contact with a therapist is usually via the internet, this chapter highlights suggested guidelines for therapists in order to demonstrate respect for neurodivergent persons and their partners online. Sample language for private practice Intake Forms is also provided, along with scripts to use when responding to initial contacts from the public. Finally, this chapter educates readers about various pain points neurodivergent communities tend to experience. A therapist’s empathy and avoidance of obvious triggers in these matters are important aspects of Brain-Informed Care (BIC). As such, specific Do/Don’t behaviors for neurodiverse couple therapists are discussed.