Chapter 8 introduces the geography of China. In the conversation, Joy asks her Chinese teacher whether China in history was as big as it is now. The teacher explains that the territory of China was once small in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties but began expanding after Emperor Qin united China. It was in the Qing Dynasty that the territory was about the size of China today. The teacher also mentions that China was a superpower as early as in the Tang Dynasty. Unlike the U.S., the state capital is called the provincial capital. At the end of the conversation, Joy asks whether Taiwan is part of China, and the teacher says it is a complicated question. The text of this chapter features Sichuan Province. It first introduces its geographic location, the capital city, climate, land area, population, and dialects. Then, it presents famous scenic spots in Sichuan and Sichuan cuisine. It also suggests tourists visit the Giant Panda Breeding Center and the Wolong Giant Panda Habitat, where they can see giant pandas and learn about panda protection in China.