In this chapter, drawing on the concepts of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, the notion of a trauma narrative is applied more broadly to help supervisees integrate distressing or traumatic events by developing a coherent narrative. Reflective learning processes are reviewed as a foundation to support the development of the narrative. Ways to explore inaccurate thoughts and make connection to existing strengths and coping are provided so supervisees are supported to both integrate the experience and learn from it, as can be seen in the concept of Post Traumatic Growth which is also defined.

The supervisor provides a safe space for sharing events and experiences affecting the worker and offers back objective questions and observations that help coherence to emerge and learning to be identified. ‘The level and intensity of the supervisee’s emotional response helps inform the supervisor that an experience needs time and space to be reflected upon. Then, when the telling and reflection is complete, critical reflection takes it one step further into learning and the making of meaning.