In 1907, the Directorship of the National Museum of Science and Art, in Kildare Street in Dublin, was given to George Noble, a lawyer, writer, art-historian, and former Parnellite Nationalist politician, known by his papally bestowed title of Count Plunkett: he took up his duties on 17 Oct. The appointment ruffled feathers at Coole, since AG had understood that her nephew, Hugh Lane, would be given the post. In Dublin when the news broke, she lost no time in sending a telegram back to Coole and WBY, who was then in residence. It is obvious, though, that at Coole in Aug. blame for the failure to appoint Lane was being freely apportioned. AG's later account takes pains to explain that she was herself at time inclined to blame Augustine Birrell, the government's Chief Secretary for Ireland, and that Birrell himself later explained that he was in no way responsible, and had indeed been shocked by Lane's having been passed over.