Anger is the biggest emotion that humans can experience, although most of us do not understand it. In this session, we’ll help you learn to ride the waves of your anger because that is what it takes to transform anger. Many try to transform their anger by denying it or by thinking “rationally” about it. If only those strategies worked! We know how uncomfortable unprocessed anger is. The body has a hard time holding it. In fact, unprocessed anger is very hard to contain, and this is why anger gets such a bad rap. Its negative reputation comes from the aggression that many see and associate with anger. Anger, at its essence, is a beacon for change. Once we know this, we can find the protest in our anger. Since humans do not get angry for no reason (the brain is too risk-adverse to get angry for no reason), there is always a protest that needs to be heard, validated, and respected in order for the strength of the anger to start diminishing. Anger becomes repetitive when it has not been validated. In this session, we will help you find and name the protest in your anger and learn how to express your anger in safe and productive ways. There is a purity within our anger that is the beacon for change!