In the language of the lingerie captions, warmth can be achieved without weight. Indeed, by surrendering to total belief in the printed word, warmth can be achieved by a cobweb. Be that as it may, and to whatever stratagems it may be necessary to resort, the street dress moulded and modish, the town suit tailored to swooning point, should never sit in a deck chair by a polo ground, should never stroll across a green lawn to a white marquee. Lord’s may have seen the last of its ladies now that Oxford and Cambridge, Eton and Harrow, have drawn stumps. But there are country house cricket matches and cricket festivals to come. Although the Eton and Harrow match is the most fashionable cricketing event and fathers appear in their finest, the family element inevitably inhibits the feminine fashions. In this year of feminine grace the ladies of the marquee wear shantung, surah, wild silk, lace, taffeta, grosgrain, richly printed silks.