This chapter clarifies the theoretical underpinning of the whole book and could be seen as a summary of the author’s personal, integrative approach: bringing the insights of a body-focused trauma therapy (Sensorimotor Psychotherapy) and a systemic lens (Systemic Constellations) to an overarching Existential perspective.

The author explores what she sees as four intricately interconnected levels of understanding: cognitive, bodily, emotional and what is other than those yet inseparably and intimately connected to them (call it spirit/soul/life force). She shows with the help of vignettes that each has an important place in therapy.

Topics covered include reflections on: compassion; Existential therapy; neuro-scientifically informed, body-focused trauma theory, with an Existential slant; transgenerational trauma and Systemic Constellations; countertransference. Again, all with multiple examples.