The idea that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ is the guiding principle of gestalt psychology. Gestalt psychologists showed how patterns, colour and the purpose of objects were perceived holistically rather than through an aggregation of their elements. Principles of gestalt psychology were applied to learning showing the existence of insight learning (all or none) in contrast to incremental learning. Field theories introduced the idea of reciprocal causation between situation and behaviour and this interactional perspective underpins theories of ecology. Research has ecological validity only if the findings in the laboratory apply to real life. Network theories in the 1940s and 1950s led to connectionist psychology in the 1980s and the development of artificial intelligence (AI). Life and intelligence are made possible because of a network structure. Machine learning enables machines to do things that have not been programmed by humans. The fourth industrial revolution of AI helps people control their lives but also allows people to be controlled by commercial and governmental organisations. Social robots will influence the way people interact with each other and may influence fertility rate. The impact of AI on society could be beneficial or contribute to humans becoming extinct.