With a market size in 2022 of $315.5 billion globally with a growth rate of 8 percent over prior year, the brand licensing industry is projected to reach $384.5 billion by 2028 and grow to $422.6 billion by 2031 according to Business Research Insights (Brand Licensing Market Report, 2023). As such, brand licensing today has a profound influence on the competitive strategies of all companies. The goal of this book is to introduce brand owners and managers to the world of brand licensing. Brand licensing is a growth strategy that is based on the ability to leverage brand value (Gupta et al., 2020) by expanding and extending it into other product categories. Through partnerships with producers, distributors and agents, the brand-owning (Börjeson & Boström, 2018) company can focus on growth based on the valorization of intangible resources and assets. Brand licensing strategy allows licensors to have non-monetary benefits (Christensen & Nikolaev, 2013) in terms of increased brand breadth, greater brand depth, technology transfer and higher business value.