Case illustrations are used to examine the use of the 3Rs approach to back rehabilitation in the clinical setting. Eight patients/clients are described with keypoints from each case summarised in clear bullet points are the end of each section. Cases include a 31-year-old female horse rider who developed spinal pain following a fall from a horse, a 45-year-old male sales representative developing low back pain (LBP), a 78-year-old female presenting with LBP following a prolonged drive, a 42-year-old male with a history of persistent LBP over a 2-year period, a 26-year-old regular gym user with LBP on rising on the day after her gym workouts, a 34-year-old male with acute LBP and a semi-flexed posture, a 32-year-old office worker in her second trimester of pregnancy, and a 56-year-old female who sought treatment for persistent LBP. Each case is detailed to illustrate important points discussed previously in the text.