This chapter guides the reader to ask and answer the questions that determine what is right for a particular production. Is a “pop-up” LED volume sufficient? Or will the production benefit from a more permanent LED volume? Chapter 15 provides questions for the virtual production team to ask when trying to determine what is best for that project. Volume design considerations are examined and explained, as are specifications for operational concerns such as HVAC, power, security, fire management, and staffing. Lighting stage design and the importance of volume size, wall structure (i.e., curved, flat, ceilings, and floors), and other physical and IT-related considerations are presented. Additionally, the reader will learn what to look for when seeking to repurpose an existing stage as a permanent or pop-up LED volume and how mobile LED stages and walls are built, utilized, and maintained. The chapter concludes with an overview of display considerations and display wall-specific assessments.