The Chairman could well afford to be magnanimous about the damage to his windows. The financial position was rosy, the future stretched ahead full of bright promise. The London Evening News wrote of his annual report in February, 1912: ‘Liberty's can pride themselves upon presenting the soundest balance-sheet in the world of dress. The outbreak of war put an end to merchant adventuring. One of the last exhibitions held at Chesham House was of ancient prayer-rugs from Eastern palaces. It was described in the Building News of May 15, 1914: ‘Among the exhibits there is a pilgrim rug dating from the 16th century. It has the green niche, recognised as a proof that it has been at Mecca. ‘A curious fashion prevailed during some years of this period, which is now almost forgotten, viz. furniture made of light coloured wood, stained in a fancy colour - green, blue, terracotta, red and even crimson.