Upon reviewing some of the very training and filmed stage productions of the Voice Theatre Lab, Paul Silber, one of the founders of the Roy Hart Theatre, stated that he liked the work and found it culturally interesting. However, he did say that the work was not that innovative, as the Roy Hart Theatre was exploring extended range, experimental vocal use, and movement back in the 1970s. He also commented on the audience that was heard in the performance footage, as they seemed as nervous as were the public in London in the 1960s when the extended range had never even been imagined let alone heard, such as laughing at strange vocal sounds. The overall feedback was both negative and positive, but what I learnt from that experience is that every system, method, style, and aesthetic come from prior influences. Everything we see today, approach, or engage with in actor training has evolved from something we’ve seen before with an added spin, new interpretation, new perspective, or new angle.