It is April 1958 and Trevor leaves Victoria Station, taking with him a group of mainly young working-class factory and shop workers from Birmingham and Manchester. Trevor is attracted to a seventeen-year-old English girl and for a while thinks he is in love. Trevor lies and says he already has his A levels and is waiting to hear which university he will enter at the end of the year. He moves to Barcelona, where he is told to return immediately to London because of staff shortages at Proud’s office. Trevor is told that from now onward, he will travel to Port Bou on Sundays, arrive there on Monday, have the day off and return to London by Thursday, work in the office and then go off again but now carrying heavy Gladstone bags full of pesetas purchased from a London bank which are to be deposited in a bank at Port Bou. In Paris he meets and forms a friendship with a middle-aged former French resistance fighter, who is now an experienced courier. He tells Trevor that Sid Proud is a crook with contacts in the Ministry of Information and Tourism in Madrid who, in turn, have close contacts with Otto Skorzeny and a group of senior Nazis living in Franco’s Spain. Mosley invites Trevor to have supper at The Temple of Glory in Paris. In London, Trevor finds out that Derek from Wales has committed suicide, drowning himself in the River Rhine dressed as a 1930s brown-shirted Storm Trooper.