At the end of the tourist season, Trevor is without a job. In London, Union Movement people are waiting for him at Victoria Station, urging him to become a speaker after race riots in North Kensington. Mosley activists led by his brother-in-law John Wood say that events in North Kensington will make Mosley more popular than he was in the East End before the war. Trevor is sick, tired and weary of Union Movement after Derek’s death, which he feels partly responsible for. But he is effectively dragged to a briefing at 302 by Jeffrey Hamm, and his mother urges him to pull himself together and fight for Mosley. Trevor visits North Kensington and is welcomed almost as a veteran Mosleyite, although he is at times mistaken for a Leftie because his hair is quite long and he wears light colourful shirts bought in Spain. Jeffrey Hamm says that Mosley is on the march again and, in strict confidence, tells Trevor the good news that Lady Mosley has used her contacts, charm and reputation as one of the legendary Mitford girls to get Max into Oxford University to study physics.