London: October 1959: Introduction to another world.

Trevor is introduced to another world but finds it hard to laugh when Alan Neame makes scornful remarks about The Leader. He asks how long Trevor can remain a clerk working at the National Cash Register Company and what will he do after the election when Mosley flies off to Paris and then holidays at The Lido leaving behind all the people who did the hard work. Alan is invited to meet Trevor’s parents and is fascinated to hear how Sidney Grundy believes the real Mosley died in prison and the present man isn’t Mosley at all. And then he meets Trevor’s mother and says he will turn her into a character in his next book, and gives her a copy of his first, The Adventures of Maud Noakes. Soon afterwards, the Cheltenham College and Oxford University educated Neame says he will tutor Trevor for two A levels, and if he can get a third on his own he will be able to get into a decent red brick university. With a cynical smile on his face, he apologises for not having the same contacts at Oxford University as Lady Mosley or any of the Mitford Girls who Sir Oswald always refers to as The Sillies.