Norfolk 1964 and London 1965: Alan Neame’s gay activities did not impinge on his friendship with Trevor. He takes him to a Soho nightclub called The Carousel. To mark Trevor’s twenty-fourth birthday, Alan pays for him to attend the annual Aylesford Review literary conference in Norfolk, where he met his literary hero, Henry Williamson. Grundy also meets Colin Wilson and gets to know Father Brocard Sewell, whose great friend at the conference is Rhona Ricardo, who featured so heavily in the John Profumo/Christine Keeler case. Grundy notes that so many of the participants were favourable towards Mosley and his idea of a United Europe, but none knew working-class people or had met some of the hooligans Sir Oswald attracted. Trevor mounts the MENA office on his own on the day Winston Churchill dies, and he writes a story claiming that dockers had been paid to lower their cranes as the barge carrying Churchill went by. The story is not used because Grundy provides no evidence and Cairo is not pleased.