London 1951: Archbishop Tenison’s and a quest to become the Mosley of the Anglican Church.

To his surprise, Trevor passes the eleven plus and is accepted into the c stream of form one at Archbishop Tenison’s Grammar School on the other side of London. Lovene left school at the age of fifteen and joined the civil service as a trainee clerk, but she had talent as a violinist and painter. Her father said he would never allow her to attend an art school because art in Britain was dominated by Jews and Communists, and she should never play Jewish music in his house, especially not in front of East Enders from Union Movement. Ghastly rows break out between Sidney and Edna Grundy with the father telling Trevor after his mother and sister left Blandford Square to temporarily stay at Church House where the man my mother has fallen in where Rev Spencer lived. Sidney tells his son that Edna had been a prostitute. Trevor writes down the word because it makes him think of Mary Magdalene in the Bible. Every night, Trevor prays in front of a picture of Mosley and begs him to return soon so his parents would unite again and fight for the Greater Britain.